I Would Kill Hitler - A Party Game of Hilarious Hypotheticals
I Would Kill Hitler - A Party Game of Hilarious Hypotheticals je veľmi jednoduchá zábavná párty hra pre 3-8 hráčov. Na jej odohratie budete potrebovať angličtinu, preto aj popis uvádzame len v angličtine. The first game made out of spite! The game is simple! Players answer "What Would You Do?" to original hypotheticals using cards in their hands to complete their story! Play is similar to other party card games (rotating judge, point based system) 1. All players have 5 Plot Cards in hand.2. Plot Cards are items, POVs, dialogue, people, or story elements you MUST include in your story if played.3. There will be one judge per round who will read the Hypothetical Card to the group.4. Players then select one Plot Card from their hand. They MUST incorporate it into their story.5. The judge decides who's story was funniest, most realistic, or most plausible. That player wins the round.6. The winning player keeps the hypothetical card to track their score.7. After a player collects 5 Hypothetical Cards, that player wins the game. The game is inspired by an improv warm up exercise the creators play before performances, but has been fine tuned and workshopped to be EXTREMELY approachable. What connects the creators most though is spite. Spite for a man it was too hard to do. Spite for a man that ruined our night with his narcissism. Every copy we sell is in spite of him.
Odporúčaný vek:
17 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
20-60 min.
Počet hráčov:
3-8 hráčov
Jazyk hry:
Nájdite podobné hry:
29,99 €
skladom posledné kusy
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Popis a obsah hry

I Would Kill Hitler - A Party Game of Hilarious Hypotheticals je veľmi jednoduchá zábavná párty hra pre 3-8 hráčov. Na jej odohratie budete potrebovať angličtinu, preto aj popis uvádzame len v angličtine.

The first game made out of spite!

The game is simple! Players answer "What Would You Do?" to original hypotheticals using cards in their hands to complete their story! Play is similar to other party card games (rotating judge, point based system)

1. All players have 5 Plot Cards in hand.
2. Plot Cards are items, POVs, dialogue, people, or story elements you MUST include in your story if played.
3. There will be one judge per round who will read the Hypothetical Card to the group.
4. Players then select one Plot Card from their hand. They MUST incorporate it into their story.
5. The judge decides who's story was funniest, most realistic, or most plausible. That player wins the round.
6. The winning player keeps the hypothetical card to track their score.
7. After a player collects 5 Hypothetical Cards, that player wins the game.

The game is inspired by an improv warm up exercise the creators play before performances, but has been fine tuned and workshopped to be EXTREMELY approachable.

What connects the creators most though is spite. Spite for a man it was too hard to do. Spite for a man that ruined our night with his narcissism. Every copy we sell is in spite of him.

Obsah hry:

100 žltých Hypotetical kariet

350 bielych Plot kariet

1 minútový merač času

Počet hráčov:
3-8 hráčov
Dĺžka hry:
20-60 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
Jazyk hry:
Jazyk pravidiel:
Rok vydania:
Herné rozšírenia
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