The Witcher: Old World - Legendary Hunt
The Witcher: Old World - Legendary Hunt, je vymaznané rozšírenie hry The Witcher: Old World. Ponúka masívne doplnenie akčnej časti sveta Zaklínača, v podobe nových, extrémne nebezpečných netvorov! Risk je zisk, vaše stretnutie však môže skončiť nielen plným mešcom. Smrť je totiž bližšie, ako kedykoľvek predtým! Základná hra The Witcher: Old World ako aj toto rozšírenie sú v anglickom jazyku a tento jazyk je pre ich hranie nevyhnutný, preto aj nasledujúci popis uvádzame v tomto jazyku: Some Monsters are so powerful and fierce that they spread fear and destruction city after city. Killing such a dangerous beast would turn any witcher into a living legend. But not any witcher can accomplish such a daring task! This expansion includes 7 huge miniatures, 7 monster Cards with other special tokens, and Cards. With that expansion there is a big monster moving through the Continent, sowing terror and destruction. Witchers train, hunt monsters, and strive to prepare for a final enemy. Killing a Legendary Monster is the only way to win the game. Gameplay and components overview: - Each of these Monsters is a huge miniature with a special, Large Monster Card that explains its unique abilities and attacks. - There is also a set of 20 new Combat Cards, used only in the fight against a Legendary Monster. - This Expansion contains a set of Legendary Hunt Cards that will move it around the map and give players the opportunity to gather information while preparing for the fight. - Legendary Monster appears on the map from the beginning of the game, will move around the map, and leave destruction behind, represented by special Tokens. Witchers will be able to prepare for the final fight from the very beginning, but they also need to train and hunt other monsters.
Odporúčaný vek:
14 rokov
Dĺžka hry:
90-150 min.
Počet hráčov:
1-5 hráčov
Jazyk hry:
52,99 €
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Doprava od 3,59 €, pri nákupe nad 69,99 € dopravu neplatíte! Osobný odber na predajni máte zadarmo.
Popis a obsah hry

The Witcher: Old World - Legendary Hunt, je vymaznané rozšírenie hry The Witcher: Old World. Ponúka masívne doplnenie akčnej časti sveta Zaklínača, v podobe nových, extrémne nebezpečných netvorov! Risk je zisk, vaše stretnutie však môže skončiť nielen plným mešcom. Smrť je totiž bližšie, ako kedykoľvek predtým!

Základná hra The Witcher: Old World ako aj toto rozšírenie sú v anglickom jazyku a tento jazyk je pre ich hranie nevyhnutný, preto aj nasledujúci popis uvádzame v tomto jazyku:

Some Monsters are so powerful and fierce that they spread fear and destruction city after city. Killing such a dangerous beast would turn any witcher into a living legend. But not any witcher can accomplish such a daring task!

This expansion includes 7 huge miniatures, 7 monster Cards with other special tokens, and Cards. With that expansion there is a big monster moving through the Continent, sowing terror and destruction. Witchers train, hunt monsters, and strive to prepare for a final enemy. Killing a Legendary Monster is the only way to win the game.

Gameplay and components overview:

- Each of these Monsters is a huge miniature with a special, Large Monster Card that explains its unique abilities and attacks.
- There is also a set of 20 new Combat Cards, used only in the fight against a Legendary Monster.
- This Expansion contains a set of Legendary Hunt Cards that will move it around the map and give players the opportunity to gather information while preparing for the fight.
- Legendary Monster appears on the map from the beginning of the game, will move around the map, and leave destruction behind, represented by special Tokens. Witchers will be able to prepare for the final fight from the very beginning, but they also need to train and hunt other monsters.

Obsah hry:

7 figúriek legendárnych netvorov
7 veľkých kariet legendárnych netvorov
20 zvláštnych bojových kariet legendárnych netvorov
12 kariet legendárneho lovu
24 žetónov zničenia
1 pravidlá

Počet hráčov:
1-5 hráčov
Dĺžka hry:
90-150 min.
Odporúčaný vek:
Jazyk hry:
Jazyk pravidiel:
Łukasz Woźniak
Rok vydania:
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